Author: sjhfwd

  • Body language passwords

    ▍Interest assessment matrixInterest Assessment MatrixNote: The X-axis is the degree of initiative, and the Y-axis is the degree of openness, indicating the distribution of typical behaviors Signal strength gradingHigh Interest Signal (8-10 points): Lean forward > 15° Pupil dilation> 20% The interval between unconscious imitation movements < 8 seconds Signals of medium interest (5-7 points):…

  • From Chat to Meeting: How to Make Online Relationships Successful

    A Five-Step Transition Method Based on Relational Osmosis Theory Signal Interpretation SystemThe “Meetable” Golden Triangle Indicator Information symmetry: the difference in self-disclosure ratio between the two sides < 35% Topic Evolution Chain: From “Preference Discussion” to “Value Collision” Response thermodynamics: Message reply speed standard deviation ≤ 12 minutes ▍Three-level progressive landing strategyStage 1: 15-minute “Caffeine…

  • Advanced Invitations: Cracking the Code of Intimacy with Neuroscience

    Triple door for safety calibrationSCARF Neural Abduction Framework There are five neural switches in the human decision-making system: Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fairness. By manipulating the first two core dimensions, the high-level invitation technique implants a “must accept” biocurrent in the opponent’s subconscious.■ Five-dimensional speech engine(1) Status Confirmed Critical Chain “I heard that the…

  • Low-cost, high-quality dating solutions

    ——Use “experience design” to create cost-effective heart-warming moments ▍ Value Creation FormulaExperience value = resource investment × emotional coefficient Illustration of the experience value formulaNote: The affective coefficient is determined by three dimensions: freshness, interactivity, and memory points The golden ratio of budget allocationVenue: 40% (to create an immersive environment) Interactive Items: 30% (Creates Shared…